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What We Do

Bloodgroups4u.com , Is an online platform where donors and recipients could meet together. A drop can save one's soul. There Is no greater way to prove ourselves. A proper human being than to help the distressed persons. Who are in need of blood of your own group, We seek donors Who are willing to donate blood, As well as provide the timeliest support to those in frantic need of it

Giving blood is quick, Easy and it saves lives 38,000 units of blood are needed every day to meet hospital demand blood comes in four main types - A, B And AB Group 0 Is the most common which means It Is In high demand

Almost anyone between the ages of 18 and 65 can become a new blood donor and those who are regular donors can continue to donate as long as they are In good health.

Blood Donors

Simply register yourself by filling up the details in registration form on Bloodgroups4u web site. You will be quickly added to the list of donors the blood seekers will be able to view the details of your blood group type and location. If required they will contact you, if you are ready then you will create a difference By Saving Someone's life

Blood Seekers style

Bloodgroups4u, offers a quick and easy way to choose a blood donor online nearby your location. You will simply have register by entering the details. You can post your blood group requirement by filling the few details. Your request should reflect in website. Donors will be able to view the details of your requirement and if they are available they can contact you voluntarily at the earliest. You can also Search Available Donors In Nearby Area by using Search Donor.

Use This Bloodgroups4u To Know How Many Friends Of You, Are Compatible With Your Blood Group Type. To How Many Friends You Can Donate Your Blood And, From How Many Friends You Can Receive Your group blood



