
Requested Blood in Specified Dates

Home Blood Request


  • Q) What are the minimum requirements to become a blood donor?
    Check with your local blood bank to determine the exact requirements, but generally, you must be at least 18 years of age, a minimum of 50 kg, and in basic good health.

  • Q) Will donating blood hurt?
    You may feel a slight sting in the beginning lasting only a couple of seconds, but there should be no discomfort during the donation.

  • Q) Can I get AIDS from donating blood?
    No. There is no risk of contracting AIDS or any other disease through the donation process. Each collection kit is sterile, pre-packaged, and used only once.

  • Q) How much blood is taken?
    For a whole blood donation, approximately one pint (which weighs about one pound) is collected. For a platelet donation, the amount collected depends on your height, weight,and platelet count.


